I’m 34 years old family man, work too much (not complaining), and looking to get a hobby to give me something I enjoy doing a bit more and can get better at over time. When I was a kid I was an RC maniac so I was considering getting back into that. But I’m really not as big into the ‘playing’ part of it or going to the park with the cars/planes/boats. I’m more interested in the building aspect.
For work I build my own websites and manage them (forums, online training, etc just like here). I do a lot of my own coding for that which I understand is probably way less complex then robots and electronics. But my point is, I enjoy it and am capable. I’ve also done some VFX software programing like MEL for Maya etc back a long time ago as well as a bit of Flash.
Putting my interests together ‘building RC stuff and models’ + ‘coding’ drove me to the solution of robots. Seems like a perfect fit so I’m excited to start! Having said that I want to put myself in the right direction. I like to think towards the future in case I ever get good enough and decide to try and work in the industry (for myself or elsewhere). That’s actually how I went from a carpet cleaner to running the business I have now. I want to gain knowledge of the most important languages etc not something that is stripped down for the hobbyist that pro’s roll their eyes at. I’ve gone that route 100x before and wasted way to much time of my life over it.
Doing my research on some robot sites I see all the different languages. Lego seems hobbyist for the most part. I see that the Arduino is very popular which is in the Rover it appears. I believe it’s an open source more simplified code base or electronics component which has worked out great for schools etc. But I’m not sure if that’s really a dumbed down version meant mainly for hobbyists or if it’s really being implemented in the real world of professional robotics? Then there is the ActivityBot which I believe is C and I’m pretty sure widely used. I’ve also come across many others.
I want a robot that I can assemble myself and can really use to learn different beginner aspects of robotics with from at a hardware and software level coding it myself (though I’ll need to learn the coding as I go of course). I use a mac and don’t have windows installed but I can get it. I’d hate too but if that’s what’s necessary to get headed in the right direction then I’m game. I really don’t care of it being a “rover” or human styled robot, spider or whatever. Whatever is in the $200 and under price range so I can try it out and be sure I’m doing something I enjoy. What is the recommendation for me and can you include links to any tools etc that I need to purchase with it?
Thanks for reading this. I know it was long but I wanted to be sure you can guide me in the best direction. I will also be learning SWIFT as a hobby at the same time. I don’t think that has much business in robotics yet but just incase I’ll throw that out there
Welcome to the forums ! I really like your post, I’m a 3rd year engineering University student and I think it is great you are looking to get into some robotics hobbies. Looking into swift is good to, a lot of the seniors I work with at work are constantly trying to find new things to learn / do.
I can give you some advice on this. The ActivityBot utilizes C as it’s programming language. It is the newer version of the classic BoeBot. I’ve had the BoeBot in the past but I have not used the ActivityBot. Overall, I don’t think this would be the best robot if you want to do extensions. There isn’t enough room on the platform for expansions and at $200, you are not getting that much. Two continuous servos, their board, and the mechanical parts + cheap sensors. I don’t think it even comes with the Pan-tilt + Ping sensor so the picture is also mis-leading.
I recommend you go with something like the DFRover. I am getting my hands on one too soon. It utilizes Arduino which means that if you learn how tinker with the DFRover, you would have learned a very popular language for DIY / simple robotics. Furthermore, the PCB has tons of breadboarding space as well as copper prototyping area for any expansions you may want to do.
My only warning for you here is the assembly is not easy. There is a small plastic gearbox you have to put together and the tank threads are painful to join if you have large hands. Other than that, I think it is one of the best kits at that price range.
LEGO Mindstorms is primarily intended for 10+. However, it’s so easy to use and has so many add-on parts created by other manufacturers that you still see university students and graduate students making quick prototypes using LEGO.
Coding for robotics has never really been easy, which is really when Arduino was created. “Arduino” is both a hardware and software platform and allows students as young as ~10 (ideally fo 14+ though) to start programming effectively. In terms of capability, unless you’re getting into vision processing applications, an Arduino can be used in over 90% of modern day (non-industrial) robot applications. It’s great for beginners and experts alike. You are correct to assume that not a whole lot of industrial robotics companies have adopted Arduino simply because the chips tend to be more expensive than something purpose-built, and processing speeds etc are less than that of other chips for a given application.
A great kit, but you might find it a bit restrictive when it comes to adding options.
As you can see, there really are many possible options.
Yeah I have to agree with Coleman, Lego is a great prototyping platform. it makes working with things like motor encoders, light sensors, touch sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and motors plug and play. All the different modules simply connect to the main “brick” and you write RobotC code to control it.
Thank you for the helpful and thorough answers everybody!
Will I be able to code the Rover etc from my mac or do I need to install windows via parallels? I’m not sure if I need a remove or that other option that had bluetooth. I’m not sure what there is too do with those things. I’m not overly interested in a remote I don’t think as that seems to sound like it’s taking me into remote controlled devices (RC Cars) and I’d rather learn things that are coded to function on their own (within reason).
Will I need any specific tools to build whatever comes in the kit?
I’m not sure if I want to know industrial robotics or vision processing etc as you mentioned. I just don’t know anything about robotics yet to be honest but I’m assuming that Arduino will be a good starting point. Then if I end up with an interest in something along those fields I can expand my knowledge at that point? My main thing about Arduino is I want to learn something that is widely accepted in professional terms. Maybe I might need to learn C or something beyond that at some point but my Arduino knowledge won’t be wasted.
I’ve had a rough start into other industries in the past. I took a community college course for 2 years that taught me iMovie was the pro industry standard for film. I learned a program called Bryce for years in 3D and was told that was an industry standard and then when I actually got out of school learned that was a joke beyond jokes (then I found Maya and learned that for years). I can go on with the list of years of wasted time on hobbyist programs that never played any kind of factor in the real industries but I’ll spare you…LOL. I just don’t want that to happen again. Sounds like Arduino gives me a base to build from and probably give me an ease that won’t get me discouraged from the start at the same time.
The ActivityBot cannot run on Mac but the DFRover can with the Arduino IDE / language. arduino.cc/en/Guide/MacOSX
I don’t have the kit yet but I would imagine nothing more than screw drivers. A ruler is probably useful to have because for the Tamiya gearbox, you need to ensure the shafts are equal length on both sides of the gear box.
Arduino is a very good starting platform. I think the next level is to try boards that run some sort C or real time C such as a Keil RTX. You won’t go wrong starting on Arduino. In terms of learning Arduino, it is fairly straight forward, esp. if you have programming experience before. Applying principles such as object oriented programming and understanding basic forms of optimization will be handy due to limited computation power.
I think it depends on where you want to take this. What you will learn working with the DFrover is definitely a great starter. However if you are interested in moving into the field of robotics, things get a lot more complicated as you move to more complex platforms. You generally need an electrical background (power systems, sensors and instrumentation, digital / analog interfacing, digital logics, control, etc…), a mechanical background (understanding how to build mechanical platforms, and software (real time systems, computer structures, memory manangement etc…)
Do not be discouraged by this. There are tons of online learning resources. My only recommendation is that if you are exploring this as something that you are looking to develop professionally with, I would focus on learning fundamentals at the same time as you play with the kit.
I read your blog post about your first robot the other day. Thought it was awesome, I’ll go back when I have more time and give it another good read
Ok, so I’m going to order the Rover. Am I going to regret it if I don’t order the one with blutooth or the one that has a ton of other options on it? Will I be able to add that stuff if I wanted too or is that something that has to be decided now? Like i said, I’m not hugely interested in remote controls in a sense of making it seem like a glorified RC car… but if it does more then that and is important to exploring vital areas of robotics then I don’t want to miss out.
I’m thinking before/after/or during building the rover I will take an online Lynda course I found for Arduino. It says this kit pretty much covers everything they do in the course;
The AdaFruit starting kit is great ! In terms of documentation not in terms of price. My recommendation if money is a concern is to order the parts of the kit from Ebay (you’ll find very similar bundles down to the component at half the price).
Other than that use the guide but see if you can find the material else where. If you can fork over an extra $20, then buy the AdaFruit kit as it will be all inclusive no hassle.
If you like RC controls, I highly recommend the Xbee version. What I plan on doing is using Xbee to create a custom controller on a breadboard.
Basic: Screwdriver (with the correct heads), pliers and scissors (no ruler needed)
Advanced: Soldering iron and wire stripper
Indeed it is and yes you can. Whatever you learn for Arduino will not be wasted time and even if you learn other computer languages, Arduino will give you the confidence to continue to learn.
The basic kit really is basic - it’s stripped down to the bare bones and aside from control via the computer or loading a sketch which has the rover more in a predetermined path (or blink an LED) there is not much else it can do.
We created that kit because people may want to add their own accessories - after all, it is Arduino-based.
We suggest adding a small selection of sensors (at least a distance sensor). robotshop.com/en/sharp-gp2d1 … cable.html robotshop.com/en/lynxmotion- … using.html
Angle it to 45 degrees (downward) and your rover can sense both walls and falls.
A simple sensor kit will help you get started, and you don’t necessary need the rover to be mobile at all times.
The XBee and Bluetooth kits essentially teach you how to program the rover for wireless control and communication.
You can purchase additional parts whenever you want and add them to the rover.
In follow up to Coleman’s response. In terms of cheap / popular sensors, I recommend using Ultrasonic instead of infrared. Infrared is light dependent and does not work well on black surfaces.
Ok, so I’m thinking to go with the rover xbee version.
A little confused again. CBenson you gave me two links to sensors. I’m thinking you’re recommending for me to get both correct? If so, that’s fine… they are cheap. But I don’t want to get both if they do the same thing and you were meaning to give me a selection. Also, do I need the kits you pointed out just to use/test the two sensors you linked too? Or can I use those two sensors and pick out a kit another time once I get going with what I have?
Tronicsos, in either of the two links CBenson provided for the sensors I didn’t notice any terms of infrared or ultrasonic. Are you meaning to get an Ultrasonic INSTEAD of one of those two links he provided or are you referencing a kit? Got a link to one you do recommend?
Sorry, just trying to clarify so that I’m ordering the right stuff here. I’m stoked to get started!
And I have no idea what you mean by “custom controller on a breadboard” but I’ve very interested. Sounds weird but awesome…LOL.
Coleman linked you to a sensor housing and an IR sensor. However Ultrasonic is much better in my opinion. The only one I can find on here is the Ping)) robotshop.com/en/parallax-pi … ensor.html
The Ping)) at $30 is priced for reliability. Again if you are willing to shop around on Ebay or something you could find MUCH cheaper ultrasonic sensors that are pretty much the same hardware. If you get stuck using them let me know .
In terms of building a breadboard controller, what I was saying is that you could attach your second Xbee to a bread board (with a battery pack connected maybe?). You would also have some sort of small micro-controller (I plan on using a mini-Arduino) to drive the Xbee. Simply add on some sensor modules like Joy-sticks etc… hook them up to your micro-controller and you got yourself a ghett… err I mean DIY Wireless controller.
Hope this helps feel free to ask for clarifications
The XBee kit will allow for two-way communication between the rover and the computer
A sharp IR distance sensor is really easy to use, moreso than an ultrasonic sensor. However, both are still quite effective and the ultrasonic is arguably more versatile.
A sensor kit is great for experimentation, and most don’t already include a distance sensor. Worst case, you have a spare distance sensor which you are guaranteed to use somewhere.
Go at whatever pace you want. The sensor kits are not required. An IR distance sensor can be angled to 45 degrees in order to sense both walls and falls, which really helps for autonomous navigation.
I am also beginner in RC development field. I want to suggest you that the Arduino and Lego board are the best suitable for the startup.
Also it is easy to learn about them and their working is also simple.
I used the Arduino and found that the Arduino is better than the Lego.
If you are going to do startup then wisely choose the wireless controls and their boards. Most often they creates the problem for beginners.