You have no oscillator configuration. Do you have an oscillator connected? Unless I’m missing something fundamental, your code SHOULD set all port c bits high witha bit of tweaking to the configuration.
We went through this in one of your previous threads - you need to include your configuration bits at the beginning of the program, or you need to tell the IDE to set them for you. Either way we’ve got no idea what (if any) config bit settings have been applied. Maybe you should check that you do indeed have a copy of, and if you have it, why not read through it and see exactly what is being added to your code.
ASM4LYFE!Seriously though, I ASM4LYFE! Seriously though, I use ASM in all my microcontroller projects because I’m a control freak, and I don’t like it when compilers mess with my code. The only time I use C/C++ is for PC programming and for some multi-core micros; it’s true that programming is faster in ‘higher’ languages, but debugging is so much more difficult since all the low-level stuff is hidden.