17 Channel RC remote controller for robotic applications!

inspired by Guilherme Martins G-remote , i decided to take the thing to the next level and create this , still needs programming but should go along easily :) i got an lcd screen 16x2 for it as well , but no space on the remote , and no pins left on the arduino :P

17 Channel RC remote controller for robotic applications ! Enjoy !

wirelessly control robots

  • Actuators / output devices: any other robot
  • Control method: full human control ( for now ) auto-pilot later
  • CPU: atmega 168
  • Power source: 4.8V 700Mah Nicd
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Sensors / input devices: dual joystick setup and 13 switches
  • Target environment: Indoor/Outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/17-channel-rc-remote-controller-for-robotic-applications


this project will be hosted on a wiki site later on with all the needed info and commented code . the robot chasis is just for testing currently . the show lights are aimed at the remote for now :stuck_out_tongue: .


Hey  Jad, what tx/rx system are you using? And how do you broadcast? Is it serial, or multi-channel like radio gear for RC airplanes etc?

**Serial **

i send serial data over a pair of RF modules :slight_smile:

Put the buttons with a shift

Put the buttons with a shift register, and use the lcd with a shift register to, should be enough pins.

good point !

i havent tried shift registes yet , but i guess for this projects i will have to :slight_smile:

nice work

 thats a lot of switches … guess the robot will have lots of functions… what all have you thought of till now?

Nice to see homemade PCBs. How much did it cost you to make this one?

Any radio in particular?

Any radio in particular?

a pair of modules similar to

a pair of modules similar to the spark fun 434 model , mine are a bit more complicated though , more pins . they function for approximately 150 m indoor and have a good rate of transmitting . got them for 15 dollars both .

the screen is now connected

the screen is now connected using a shift register :slight_smile:

it has topped a 100 dollars

it has topped a 100 dollars so far , without the arduinos that i made , which cost about 20 $ each .