Not many robots enjoy full autonomy; humans often prefer to supervise them and make sure they are doing their job right. However, there are some situations where direct supervision is impossible. For instance, when sending robots to explore space, the communication latency increases as they get far…
For those of you who could not attend ICRA 2012, here is a video compilation of all the awesome robots that were present including, DARPA, ARM, NASA's Robonaut2, Willow Garage PR2, ReconRobotics Scout and Intuitive DaVinci.! Via IEEE Spectrum.
During this end of the year, we could remember all the amazing robots 2011 brought to us including the new Asimo, the awesome bionics projects and incredibly popular Tankbot. But instead, we would like to show you a single picture that might inspire you, or more likely instill some fear into
As you might remember, Robonaut 2 was sent to the ISS a few weeks ago. As shown in the video below, the human astronauts had a big surprise when they finally opened the storage crate that contains the humanoid robot. It seems the naughty robot got o
One small step for a robot... We'll let you figure out the rest. Robonaut 2 by Nasa an GM Robonaut 2, a.k.a. R2 for short, was developed by NASA and GM in order to help humans perform their job, whether it is on the ISS or down on earth. This robot became the first, but certainly not the