Happy New Year for all Robots and all Roboticists

Posted on 30/12/2011 by carlos-31 in Humanoids
During this end of the year, we could remember all the amazing robots 2011 brought to us including the new Asimo, the awesome bionics projects and incredibly popular Tankbot. But instead, we would like to show you a single picture that might inspire you, or more likely instill some fear into your soul:
Spidernaut + RobotnautSpidernaut + Robonaut
You might remember Robonaut 2 from earlier this year. It was the leg-less humanoid robot accompanying the ISS crew.  The golden hexapod robot you now see beneath it is the Spidernaut, a NASA project designed for constructing and maintaining large orbiting structures in space. The combination of both these amazing robots, although totally awesome and resulting in one of the most scary looking robots of 2011 is... not real (yet). That is right, a freaky giant spider robot with a humanoid torso and a Cylon head does not exist yet and the picture above is showing a dramatic angle of two separate robots : Spidernaut and Centaur 2
Centaur 2Centaur 2
On this note we wish you the best possible 2012 and hope it will be filled with crazy robots (including golden spider-humanoids of doom). Pictures via IEEE Spectrum.
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