Welcome to the seventh installment in our monthly series, What's Trending in Robotics News! We will cover all the breaking news, hot issues, trending stories, and cool stuff that is happening - or has happened - in the robotics industry. We're well into the new year now, a…
This past Saturday the team from South Korea which designed, built and programmed their humanoid robot DRC-HUBO took home the $2 million dollar first-place prize as part of the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge. The focus of this year's challenge was to create a robot which could complete a vari…
As we reported before, DARPA issued its latest challenge where they will require a humanoid robot to complete a series of tasks (worthy of an action movie) which include driving a car, breaking down a wall, and using tools - all with the goal of "saving the day" during a mock…
When we first saw Robotis release their new line of professional (and large) Dynamixel Pro servo motors, we knew it would not be long until they were used to create larger humanoids. So, not long after their release, "THOR" was revealed; Robotis' child-sized humanoid entry into the…
Atlas going for a ride We covered previously the announcement of the 2013 DARPA Robotic Challenge. Today, DARPA released two very interesting videos: one presenting Atlas, the official humanoid platform for the challenge developed by Boston Dynamics, and another introducing the other contestant