Transcendent Man to be Launched in 2011

Posted on 22/11/2010 by carlos-31
Sentient RobotSentient Robot
The trailer for the upcoming movie Transcendent Man has been out for some time and it has now been confirmed that the long awaited film will be released early next year (2011).
Transcendent Man introduces the life and ideas of Ray Kurzweil, the renowned futurist who journeys the world offering his vision of a future in which we will merge with our machines, can live forever, and are billions of times more intelligent...all within the next thirty years.
Although it is a bit hard to believe that humans will become infinitely intelligent cybernetic immortals within the next 30 years Ray Kurzweil seems to have some good arguments and some successful predictions done in the past. For those unfamiliar with The Singularity as understood by Ray Kurzweil, you might be interested in the TED talk Below. A slightly more negative view of the same future would be the Trailer for the upcoming Deux Ex game.
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