The New Neato XV-21 Is your Pet's Best Friend

Posted on 18/04/2012 by carlos-31 in Domestic
Tags: Neato, XV-21
Neato XV-21Neato XV-21
There is a new member in the Neato Robotics family: the XV-21. Beside sporting funky colors, this new model has an improved filter capable of retaining fine dust and particles while maintaining a high airflow, and a unique brush that combines bristles with the original rubber flaps in order to pick up pet hair more easily. Based on these characteristics it is easy to see that this robot is ideal for pet owners or humans with allergies who require their robot to be "extra effective" while removing dust and hair from the air. You can pre-order your Neato XV-21 today at RobotShop. The robot is projected to start shipping by the end of May 2012.
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