the Robotics Summit site

Posted on 15/03/2010 by vabry
Robotics Summit 2010 We told you in January about the virtual conference organized by Robotic Trends on 16 June 2010. This time the event, called Robotics Summit, has been given its own internet site: This conference aims to be a new international meeting place for roboticists, professionals or just robotics fans. You can see an overview of the visual interface on this page. Everything will be organised as if you were at a real conference, on the premises, but the advantage of this type of event is that it saves travelling and accommodation costs. In terms of the themes covered concerning the development of robots, you'll find sessions on control systems, sensor technologies, localization, navigation, mapping, obtaining data, robot learning, remote monitoring, planning movements, avoiding obstacles, etc. Regarding business development, investments or fundraising, this conference will enable you to network and find business partners, marketing networks (purchases/sales), and development opportunities in mobile robotics.
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