Robots Beg For Money, Humans Comply

Posted on 26/04/2011 by carlos-31 in Domestic
Among other things, robots can be made into adorable and pathetic little begging machines. The novelty and the sheer cuteness of a begging robot makes them quite effective and so far there are many sucessful examples.


Gimme is a very pitiful and probably creepy looking robot. It simply follows any passing by human with its eye until it receives some money. The video below illustrates this very well. See the build log to make your own.


DONA is a much cuter "Urban Donation Motivating Robot" that asks for money in the cutest possible way. As shown in the video below the little red robot does its job fairly well.


DON-8r is very similar to DONA but used higher user interaction in order to get humans to make donations. Like the previous robots, this machine capitalizes on the fact that humans are not very sympathetic towards human charity workers but do not have negative preconceptions of charity robots.
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