Dragon Runner - military.com
Two news stories about robots in the military and how they are helping to save our soldiers lives:
The first story,
says that the enemy is wising up to their mechanical adversaries and
are starting to target them. Better a robot than a soldier. The story
focus' on the
Dragon Runner military 'bot devloped by Carnegie
Mellon University. Officials are calling it a, "critical piece of
equipment" and the folks at CMU say they are going to double their
product capacity soon.
The Army is using this as part of it's larger plan for a $100 billion
"Future Combat System" which includes lots of robots and is supposed to
be in place by 2010. This will be a
huge industry folks - better jump on the bandwagon now.
The second story shows how important mine nutralization robots
are to the Amry. Instead of actually having to visit a munition in the
field, a soldier can remotely drive the robot to the munition and
determine how to disarm it.
iRobot also has an extensive
product line of military robots. Take a look.
Update: Here's another article about how robots are helping out soldiers. More detailed info on how the Dragon Runners are being used in Iraq.