The 10th annual, international, AUVSI sponsored, autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) competition wrapped up Sunday. For the third straight year it looks like University of Florida's
SubjuGator has taken first place. UF is followed by University of Central Florida with their year-old, rapid prototyped design, and the University of Rhode Island.
The final standings are as follows:
University of Florida 2. University of Central Florida (UCF)
University of Rhode Island (URI)
Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS)
Cornell University 6.
University of Southern California 7.
United States Naval Academy Here's a shot of the final scoreboard from
UF's blog.
Several of the top teams, including UF, ETS, and Cornell had brand new vehicle designs. The official list of competitors has links to all the team's websites and journal papers. My own team, NCSU, had catastrophic system failures and wasn't able to qualify.
Good job to everyone that competed. Looking forward to next year, especially with the new weight rules. Also glad to hear that SMU's stolen robot was returned!
Note: Cornell's website lists winners without UCF. Not sure where the discrepancy is coming from.