Neato Botvac 80 Unboxing

Posted on 16/05/2014 by jgendron in Domestic, Vacuum
We received our first batch of the new Neato Botvac 80. Unfortunately, they are now all gone and did not stay in our warehouse for very long. We are currently waiting on a new batch from Neato. But, for those who are wondering which robot vacuum to choose, we have unboxing pictures for you as well as our first impression of this new robot vacuum.
botvac-80-4Botvac 80 Box Front
botvac-80-5Botvac 80 Box Back
The Botvac comes in a newly designed box which at first site does not look like the standard Neato Robotics design as far as color goes. But, we were pleasantly surprised to see that Neato Robotics has finally changed the box design to be much easier to open like all other robot vacuums we know of.
botvac-80-6Botvac 80 Box Opened
The accessories are well packaged and multi-lingual manual is included with the robot so you can quickly set it up.
botvac-80-7Botvac 80 Contents
botvac-80-8Botvac 80 Box Inside
botvac-80-9Botvac 80 Accessories
The Botvac comes with a newly designed docking station which now has a lip to make sure the robot docks properly. The power supply can also now be coiled at the back of the docking station instead of inside.
botvac-80-10Botvac 80 Dock Back
botvac-80-34Botvac 80 Docking Station Power Supply
botvac-80-11Botvac 80 Dock Front
botvac-80-12Botvac 80 Dock
botvac-80-13Botvac 80 Inside Box
botvac-80-14Under Botvac 80
botvac-80-15Botvac 80 Wrapped
botvacBotvac 80
The Botvac 80 has a very sleek design with it's new white and glossy finish. It will be mush easier to clean than the XV series. It also feels more robust. It is slightly larger than the XV Series Neatos but, this should not cause any issues with it reaching difficult areas. It is the same height and will be able to clean under the same furniture.
botvac-80-16Botvac 80 Side Brush
botvac-80-37Botvac 80 Side Brush
The New Botvac series now includes a side brush in order to clean along walls and into corners more effectively. It can therefore reach out and bring debris closer to the main brush to be vacuumed. This is an improvement from the XV Series that in some cases could miss spots along wall edges.
botvac-80-17Botvac 80 Spot and Home Buttons
The Botvac also has new buttons near the dust bin at the front of the robot. The square image at the left can let you easily start a spot clean and the button on the right featuring a house lets you start a full cleaning cycle. The spot button is now much more visible compared to finding it in the XV series menu.
botvac-80-18Botvac 80 Without Dust Bin
botvac-80-19Botvac 80 Dust Bin
botvac-80-20Botvac 80 Dust Bin and Filter
The Botvac dust bin is now larger and can store 0.7L of debris compared to 0.66L with the Neato XV. The filter is also much larger and will not be compatible with the XV series and vise versa.
botvac-80-21Botvac 80 Underside
The underside of the robot is very similar. But, you will notice that the main brush is larger and goes very close to the side of the robot and thus very close to walls. You will then see also the side brush that will bring debris along walls closer to the main brush.
botvac-80-22Botvac 80 Brush
botvac-80-23Botvac 80 Side Brush
botvac-80-24Botvac 80 brush Guard Removed
botvac-80-25Botvac 80 Brushes Removed
botvac-80-26Botvac 80 Brushes and Brush Guard
The main brush has a new design with a bearing on one end and a connection to the motor on the other. Whereas the XV series had brass and rubber bushings on both ends. This new design will make the brush easier to clean especially for users with pets.
botvac-80-27Botvac 80 Main Brush Bearing Side
botvac-80-28Botvac 80 Brush Motor Connection Side
The Botvac also now comes with one larger battery pack compared to two smaller packs with the XV. The Botvac also has a new software which improves battery management. Neato Robotics announces a maximum runtime of 90 minutes on hard floors.
botvac-80-29Botvac 80 Battery Compartment
botvac-80-30Botvac 80 Battery
The Botvac also houses an On/Off switch in the dust bin compartment much like the newer XV series robots.
botvac-80-31Botvac 80 On/Off Switch
The LCD screen on the Neato has dropped in size but, still gives the user very intuitive information and support. When you first turn on the robot it will ask for your preferred language before asking you to recharge the robot before the first cleaning.
botvac-80-32Botvac 80 Control Panel Language Set
botvac-80-33Botvac 80 Control Panel
botvac-80-35Botvac 80 Charging
botvac-80-38Botvac 80 Front
We were very impressed by the Botvac. One thing we noticed right away is that it is much quieter than the previous Neatos. It is also faster and can certainly clean more rooms on one charge. As far as picking up debris goes, our friends at Kelrobot in France has thoroughly tested the Botvac and it ranked 1st place in their tests with 17.5/20. According to their tests, it picked up 94% of sugar dropped on a hard floor surface. Here are a few reasons why to choose the Botvac: - Uses patented Neato BotVision to scan and map the room - Combines powerful suction with a 50% larger brush - Easily scheduled daily cleanings - New side brush to pick up debris along walls and furniture - Main brush longer and closer to side of robot for picking up debris closer to walls - Will return to docking station to recharge if battery becomes low, will then return to where it left off to continue cleaning.   Be certain to order your Botvac soon in order to have one in our next shipment.  
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