ICRA 2010: from the 3rd to the 8th of May in Alaska

Posted on 14/04/2010 by vabry
Tags: Kuka
ICRA This year, the International Confrence on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) will take place in Anchorage, Alaska, from May 3rd to 8th 2010. Major players in robotics, such as iRobot, Aldebaran Robotics, Boston Dynamics, Gostai, Willow Garage and Kuka will be present. The theme of the 2010 ICRA is "50 years of robotics". Research institutes such as MIT or Stanford will also be present. ICRA will also count on the participation of the DARPA (the Agency of the United States Department of Defense). The conference is organized by IEEE-Ras, a world famous organization. IEEE defines itself as the largest association in the world for the advancement of technology. The website and program for the 2010 ICRA: http://icra2010.grasp.upenn.edu/ via bj
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