Well, it's 10:21 AM. Our first preliminary run starts at 11:00 AM. As
of now, two teams have made it through the gate, and two teams haven't
showed up. One team, I think the University of Florida, navigated to
the acoustic pinger and surfaced.
We also have another run tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM.
The results of these runs will determine whether we make it into the
finals. We can navigate through the gate just fine. We spent all night
hashing out the acoustic navigation software and we're very confident
that we can find the pinger and hopefully surface. If the robot doesn't
surface we set a timeout, because we know it finds the pinger but it
has trouble surfacing.
After the pinger we're going for the pipeline then the docking station.
We chose to do the docking station last because 1) it has the least
amount of points associated with it and 2) there's a chance we'll start
following the sun and run in to the wall - which would be a

Mike, Erin, and Jim
