Dust Ball, Robotic Vacuum Concept Goes Full Circle

Posted on 14/12/2010 by carlos-31 in Domestic, Vacuum
Tags: Vacuum
So far, all robotic vacuum cleaners follow the same design: a circular (or rounded)  two-wheeled mobile platform that brushes and vacuums the floor while bumping into obstacles. This robotic vacuum cleaner concept by Dave Hakkens is definitely original and is certainly a completely new approach at cleaning floors.
Dust Ball Robotic Vacuum Cleaner ConceptDust Ball Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Concept
As depicted in the video below, it consists of a ball that willingly rolls around a room picking-up dust. Should it come into the path of a human, it can simply be kicked away. Also, it should not get entangled with cables or munch on socks as some of it's more standard counterparts do.

[vimeo 17345953]

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