If you have visited the Arduino website lately, you may have noticed a strange circular board under "Hardware" which Arduino has simply named the "
Arduino Robot". Arduino is set to release this new product in July of this year.
The round shape is obviously for maneuverability (just like most
robotic vacuums) and although the wheels and motors look inexpensive, they are likely good quality and help lower the price considerably. The board uses the same setup as an Arduino Leonardo which means there is no need for a separate serial to USB chip (once again reducing the cost). Built-in features include an LCD display, downward-facing IR sensors for line following, 5 push buttons (which they call a "control pad"; useful for navigating the LCD), a buzzer for audio feedback, solder prototyping areas for additional modules, and something most other robots don't have - a compass.
Arduino seems to be deviating from producing only electronics to producing mobile robot kits. The
Arduino Esplora, released a few months ago, is essentially a handheld programmable controller. If these kits are successful, this could see Arduino branching out from creating versatile electronics to producing more complete, integrated systems.
We'll certainly look to add this product to our catalog, but welcome your opinion on this new and exciting product! Tell us in your comments below.