Season’s greetings everyone!
It’s been an incredible year. I am grateful to be surrounded by such a great team and also to be part of this exciting adventure which is RobotShop and the robotic revolution.

We have accomplished many things this year, all with the objective of fulfilling our mission of "
putting robotics at your service" and our vision to be
The World's Leading Source for Personal and Professional Robot Technology. I know it may sound pretentious, but if you look back at when we started this company from scratch over 9 years ago, we have done incredibly well. Focus and discipline have brought us to this point, and at the end of 2012, RobotShop is the most-visited robotics-related website on Earth with an Alexa Rank of 24,975 and climbing fast.
2012 Highlights:
- was named by Forbes as the "Facebook For Robots", and went viral, bringing lots of attention to Cloud Robotics. Soon after its launch, robot owners started to use the MyRobots Connect to connect their robots to the Internet and buy their first robot apps.
- In March, RobotShop helped create the first Global Cloud Robotics Hackathon, with more than 30 teams from 8 different cities including teams from Google, IBM Research, AutoDesk, Research in Motion and more.
- In June, RobotShop was the 63rd Fastest Growing Company in Canada, according to the prestigious Profit 200 Magazine. RobotShop was dubbed the "Amazon of Robotics".
- In September, RobotShop confirmed the acquisition of Lynxmotion, a pioneer and leading manufacturer of quality educational robotic kits since 1995.

These headlines are of course in addition to the thousands of satisfied customers that we have served all around the world in a timely and professional manner.
Behind the scenes, we are working on our biggest ever technology update; "Wibot 3.0", which is a completely integrated ERP and web intelligence system. This will be launched, along with the fifth generation of our web site, in 2013. We are preparing our systems for exponential growth.
We see 2013 as a new year full of opportunities and we will be announcing new strategic alliances early on.
Get Ready to Change The World of Robotics!
Yes, that's
you, the robot enthusiasts who make up the robotic community in the classroom, in the lab, at the office or at home. We are entering a new fast-moving phase of the robotics revolution and we are very enthusiastic about what robotic technology can do to improve us as a species, and also to improve the environment around us. I see robotics as a positive force for humanity which helps increase the pleasure, knowledge, liberty and security of individuals.
On behalf of the entire team at RobotShop, I thank you all for your loyalty and trust in
See you in 2013!
Mario Tremblay, RobotShop CEO