If you wonder whether sporty robots will one day be able to compete with our best athletes, well we believe we already have a good start for a response on that. It's no longer a question of robots that play soccer by moving about slowly. The soccer players at the Robocup German Open 2010 have g…
photos from botjunkie & Cnet Can robots perform as well as humans in sports? This is what the designers at Ziggy wanted to find out during the Robogames. The American football player Joe Nedney pitted his strength against Ziggy to hit the ball as far as possible and accurately. Even if …
Researchers at Meiji University in Japan have teamed up with MR Corp to build a robot which allows you to train in baseball. The robot holds the ball 20 cm in the air as if it was an invisible tee so the player only has to hit it. The Jet Hitter can store 70 balls. The designers have planned t…
You have followed the progress here of Hinamitetu, the gymnast robot now capable of doing a somersault over a fixed bar then catching itself without falling. It should be clear here: this remarkable performance has not been achieved without pains. You have to suffer and persevere to reach perfect…
Unbelievable Hinamitetu gymnast robot performs an acrobatic leap on the horizontal bar. The performance is astonishing: the robot spins around the bar like an athlete before doing a flip; then he grasps the bar like a gymnast. Hinamitetu's hands actually grab the rod as soon as they come into con…
Would Tiger Woods be able to finally retire, since his replacement is coming from where we least expected it? Did someone say robotics? Candy-05 is the latest in robotic prototypes funded through NEDO (New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization) and developed by the Hajime R…
The Hinamitetu Japanese robot is a robot that performs gymnastics on the horizontal bar, and it's really amazing to watch! Soon, if the trend continues, we will earn a place in the World Robot Gymnastics Championships. On the YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/hinamitetu Our gymnast has improved,…