It's an interesting robot. It can not only clamp building blocks, but also complete gesture recognition.
An ideal toy car robotic kit for creating your own robot and exploring endless activities.
What's happening in the robotics field for April 2023? Welcome to the 36th installment in our monthly series, What's Trending in Robotics News! We cover all the breaking news, hot issues, trending stories, and cool stuff that's happening — or has happened — in the robotic…
Vibration plays an important role in robotics design as these machines become more complex. Learn more about how to reduce vibrations for greater precision.
"RoboSapiens" represents a society where humans and AI-enhanced robots are increasingly intertwined. The article highlights the potential of robotics and AI to revolutionize various aspects of life, including education, healthcare, and environmental management. However, it also emphasi…
21 in 1 building block programmable sensor kit, Sunflower, Automatic door, Piggy bank, Flying penguin. Which modle do you like?
Spring is finally here, but what happened in the robotics field in March 2023? In the 37th installment of What's Trending in Robotics News, we uncover the breaking developments, hot issues, and trending stories in the world of robotics over the last month.
While students are connecting robots, robotics has a way of connecting communities. From families brought together to cheer on robotics teams to industries becoming more involved in helping students succeed, robotics is more and more becoming a common thread. Learn how the Yakima (WA) …
A year and several iterations through the engineering design process later, I want to introduce you to my robot with a corny name – CropBot. But, before I explain how CropBot works, I just want to mention one thing. The agriculture industry is quickly being inundated by robots. The farm of…
With RVS, your company can attract new talent, benefit from a high ROI, improve safety and eliminate employee pain points.
The future of robotics may not include printed circuit boards, metal frames and microchips, but instead, the term “robot” may need to be adapted to include semi-living biological creations which are not manufactured on a production line, but instead grown and evolved in labs and incu…
Imagine plants inside lush greenhouses, embedded in a water tray and cradled by robotic limbs. Automated hydroponic systems are growing a better version of fruits and vegetables. Learn how these robots monitor a greenhouse full of crops with smart sensors and can diagnose care.
From robot hostesses greeting guests at hotels to medical robots assisting surgeons in the operating room, it's clear that robots have had a major impact on our day-to-day lives.
I like its appearance.😊
Buyer William from the US said: “Unbelievable features and value”!
LOOK! The Ackerman structure car that can drive automatically looks cool. Did you like it? Come and learn more about it.👉