"RoboSapiens" represents a society where humans and AI-enhanced robots are increasingly intertwined. The article highlights the potential of robotics and AI to revolutionize various aspects of life, including education, healthcare, and environmental management. However, it also emphasi…
From robot hostesses greeting guests at hotels to medical robots assisting surgeons in the operating room, it's clear that robots have had a major impact on our day-to-day lives.
Look!!! These funny guys. Which one did you perfer?
Welcome to the fourth installment in our monthly series, What's Trending in Robotics News! We will cover all the breaking news, hot issues, trending stories, and cool stuff that is happening - or has happened - in the robotics industry. Let's see what caught our attention this month…
Welcome to the third installment in our monthly series, What's Trending in Robotics News! We will cover all the breaking news, hot issues, trending stories, and cool stuff that is happening - or has happened - in the robotics industry. Let's see what caught our attention this month.
Man versus machine has quickly become man merges with machine as assistive technologies continue to develop. Today, the loss of a limb does not automatically translate into the loss of mobility. This year introduced the Cybathlon, where athletes compete for gold using their assistive technologies. …
Who doesn’t want to be super intelligent, or amazingly strong or very fast or perhaps have added senses? We all know our five basic senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. There is a company that promises much about added senses and they are working hard on providing their first added sense…
Vision of a bionic runner In many ways, the human race has advanced radically in a very short period of time. People born with missing limbs can now live full and “normal” lives, as can those who have suffered injuries and amputations. This is a far cry from the days when an amputat