
Posted on 31/05/2010 by sletan
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi, its very fun to make my first post here!   This is my first try with the Arduino. A rover / bot Based on a brand new Traxxas Stampede. All it does is to look for obstacles. If it finds one it will stop, turn right and reverse then continue forward while scanning for obstacles.   I have never used C/C++ so please take pity :-)   BUT, when I started looking into Arduino and Traxxas this is what I would have been happy to find. So now it exists...   But as I said, I have ...


Hi, its very fun to make my first post here!


This is my first try with the Arduino.

A rover / bot Based on a brand new Traxxas Stampede.

All it does is to look for obstacles.

If it finds one it will stop, turn right and reverse then continue forward while scanning for obstacles.


I have never used C/C++ so please take pity :-)


BUT, when I started looking into Arduino and Traxxas this is what I would have been happy to find.

So now it exists...


But as I said, I have never used C/C++ so please take pity :-)

Best Regards

Stefan (From Sweden)

Avoiding obstacles via IR sensor mounted on sweeping servo

  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: indoor (For now)
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