int valL = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor int valR = 0; int valC = 0; int forward = 103; // Set forward speed int reverse = 82; // Set reverse speed int sens0 =0;//Used by the Sharp #include Servo servo3; //Sensor Servo Servo servo2; //Turning Servo servo1; //ESC void setup() { pinMode(1,OUTPUT); servo3.attach(11); //Sensor Servo servo2.attach(10); //Turning servo1.attach(12); //ESC Serial.begin(115200); Serial.print("Ready"); servo1.write(90); // Center servo servo3.write(90); // Center servo delay(4000); // wait for ESC } void loop() { //Move servos and take two readings each in right, left and center servo3.write(150); //Serial.println("move right!"); delay(200); //wait for servo do arrive float Rvolts = analogRead(sens0)*0.0048828125; float valR = 65*pow(Rvolts, -1.10); // worked out from graph 65 = theretical distance / (1/Volts)S - float R2volts = analogRead(sens0)*0.0048828125; float valR2 = 65*pow(Rvolts, -1.10); // worked out from graph 65 = theretical distance / (1/Volts)S - // Serial.print("ValR="); // Print "ValR=" to serial // Serial.println(valR); // Print the value of valR to serial and line feed // Serial.print("ValR2="); // Print "ValR2=" to serial // Serial.println(valR2); // Print the value of valR2 to serial and line feed servo3.write(90); //Serial.println("move center!"); delay(200); //wait for servo do arrive float Cvolts = analogRead(sens0)*0.0048828125; // value from sensor * (5/1024) - if running 3.3.volts then change 5 to 3.3 float valC = 65*pow(Cvolts, -1.10); // worked out from graph 65 = theretical distance / (1/Volts)S - float C2volts = analogRead(sens0)*0.0048828125; // value from sensor * (5/1024) - if running 3.3.volts then change 5 to 3.3 float valC2 = 65*pow(C2volts, -1.10); // worked out from graph 65 = theretical distance / (1/Volts)S - // Serial.print("ValC="); // Print "ValC=" to serial // Serial.println(valC); // Print the value of valC to serial and line feed // Serial.print("ValC2="); // Print "Val2=" to serial // Serial.println(valC2); // Print the value of valC2 to serial and line feed servo3.write(40); // Serial.println("move left!"); delay(200); //wait for servo do arrive float Lvolts = analogRead(sens0)*0.0048828125; float valL = 65*pow(Lvolts, -1.10); // worked out from graph 65 = theretical distance / (1/Volts)S - float L2volts = analogRead(sens0)*0.0048828125; float valL2 = 65*pow(L2volts, -1.10); // worked out from graph 65 = theretical distance / (1/Volts)S - // Serial.print("ValL="); // Print "ValL=" to serial // Serial.println(valL); // Print the value of valL to serial and line feed // Serial.print("ValL2="); // Print "ValL=" to serial // Serial.println(valL2); // Print the value of valL2 to serial and line feed // Sum the val and val2 up valC += valC2; valR += valR2; valL += valL2; //Serial.println(""); //Serial.println("*****Totals*****"); //Serial.print("Total valC="); //Serial.println(valC); //Serial.print("Total valR="); //Serial.println(valR); //Serial.print("Total valL="); //Serial.println(valL); //Serial.println("*****Totals*****"); //Serial.println(""); //Devide the new val:s by two valC /= 2; valR /= 2; valL /= 2; // Print calcutated distance to serial. Serial.println(""); Serial.println("*****Divided by two*****"); Serial.print("Divided by two valC="); Serial.println(valC); Serial.print("Divided by two valR="); Serial.println(valR); Serial.print("Divided by two valL="); Serial.println(valL); Serial.println("*****Divided by two*****"); Serial.println(""); if (valC < 55 || valL < 55 || valR < 55){ // If wall detected on right, left or center do stuff below //stop!!! Serial.println("problem ahead. Car stop and right-turn" ); servo1.write(90); // Stop car delay(500); servo2.write(30); //Turn wheels right servo1.write(reverse); //Reverse delay(1200); servo2.write(87); //straight wheels servo1.write(90); //stop reversing delay(500); } else{ //continue forward Serial.println("Car forward" ); servo1.write(forward); } }