Two sessions of an introduction to ethics philosophy course.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has announced a new $1 billion college of computing that is designed to offer the best possible education to future machine learning A.I. experts. The college will offer its first program starting in the fall semester of 2019. You'd better get applying!
Or is it just an expensive office toy?
Artificial intelligence model from the MIT Lincoln Laboratory's Intelligence and Decision Technologies Group sets a new standard for understanding how a neural network makes decisions.
15 Medical Robots That Are Changing the World
Army scientists have developed a novel algorithm that enables localization of humans and robots in areas where GPS is unavailable.
If you don't mind a little spinning, quadrotors can operate just fine as trirotors
The robot eye with an all-round field of view
Benefits of automation must be passed on to staff, says thinktank
How does an established automaker like General Motors adapt to new tech trends? By looking for people and solutions outside the mainstream, says Ken Kelzer, GM VP of global vehicle components and subsystems. See how GM is preparing for connected, autonomous, and electric cars.
In this fun video the Boston Dynamics Spot dances, wiggles, and shimmies right into our hearts. This little four-legged robot – a smaller sibling to the massive Big Dog – is surprisingly agile and the team at Boston Robotics have taught the little robot to dance to Bruno Mars which mean…
Pepper will be the first robot questioned by MPs as part of an inquiry into robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and the fourth industrial revolution.
Humans aren't the only people in society – at least according to the law. In the U.S., corporations have been given rights of free speech and religion. Some natural features also have person-like rights. But both of those required changes to the legal system. A new argument has laid a path for artif...
Application experts can now access the teach pendant and video streams from the robot cell thanks to Robotiq's Insights monitoring software. They get all the live information needed to troubleshoot the application and (re)start production faster.
Boston Dynamics shows its Spot robot inspecting construction sites in Japan, giving a glimpse into real-world applications for the four-legged robot.
The report comes less than two weeks after Amazon announced it was raising its minimum wage.
Couldn't make it to IROS? Check out some pics of what you missed in Madrid
Even the best AI programs still make stupid mistakes. So DARPA is launching a competition to remedy the field’s most glaring flaw.
Shimon is a marbima-playing robot with some real soul. This crazy little robot, created by Gil Weinberg at the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology, can listen to the other players around it and play out little ditties in response to the music. In short, it’s the world’s best jazz a…
The agile humanoid is learning to use its whole body to leap higher than ever
In the intensive care unit, artificial intelligence can keep watch at a patient’s bedside
The successful demonstration of remote-controlled "drones-bees" by Netherlands' Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) has been making news since Tuesday. But the buzz surrounding the drone’s applications could be much hyped, according to at least two independent estimates by biologists.
Researchers at the University of Washington have been developing a way for 3D-printed plastic objects to transmit data without the need for embedded batterie
Robots can improve employees' health and safety by sensing potential dangers and taking over the riskiest tasks. Here's how.