Georgia Tech's augmented-reality interface gives control over complex robots to the people who need them
NASA recently tested a swarm of drones in which "Hives" release "Cicadas" to monitor the weather and atmospheric conditions.
An eggbot is probably the easiest introduction to CNC machines that you could possibly hope for, at least in terms of the physical build. But at the same time, an eggbot can let you get your hand
A swarm of micro-robots, directed by magnets, can break apart and remove dental biofilm, or plaque, from a tooth. The innovation arose from a cross-disciplinary partnership among dentists, biologists, and engineers.
New ball-shaped robots can fall from a helicopter and then get to work giving rescue workers info about disaster situations.
When he was 13 years old, Christophe Debard had his leg amputated. Jump forward to the present day, and his experiences have led him to create the startup Print My Leg. It offers open-source designs for 3D printed leg prostheses to whoever needs them. Welcome to a growing revolution.
Putting a 3D printer on a mobile robotic platform is one thing, but two robots co-cooperatively printing a large object together is even more impressive. AMBOTS posted the video on Twitter and we'v
Currently live-streaming on YouTube is a non-stop, algorithmically-generated torrent of technical death metal, and regardless of one’s personal musical taste, it’s undeniably an impressive example of machine-driven creativity.
In the era of social media, events such as the fire at Notre Dame cathedral are experienced by a global audience in real-time. From New York to Tokyo, millions of people were glued to thei
Robotic pets come with a lot of the benefits of real pets but without some of the downsides. But could robotic pets ever fully replace your family cat or dog?
Opinion: The average big construction project is overdue and over budget. A dose of automation could help.
Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a new and improved snake-inspired soft robot that is faster and more precise than its predecessor.
The organization said its new partners represent a range of industries pursuing innovative robotics solutions
RightHand Robotics has been one of the more exciting startups in the space.
LG will help develop robots that will be trialled at CJ Foodville restaurants later this year.
A Hong Kong artist says he's created an artificial intelligence-driven robot which creates its own unique paintings.
Pizza companies are some of the first to really embrace automation in the food industry as they pursue ways robots can help with prep, ordering, serving and delivering to maximize efficiency, cut costs and improve service.
Demine Robotics is running a crowdfunding campaign for their landmine removal robot.
ERICA: A Robot Made to Look Human
Colossus is built to endure brutal conditions, operate a fire hose, carry heavy tools into a hostile environment or carry wounded people out.
For end users looking to deploy robots at their companies, here are five key robotics trends we learned at last week's ProMat and Automate shows.
Robot builds erosion barriers from interlocking metal sheets, while robot swarms could protect threatened areas
Astrobee robot during testing at NASA's Ames Research Center.
Digital inventory auditing is one of the growth areas of automation as brick-and-mortars fight back.