Flexible sensors and an artificial intelligence model tell deformable robots how their bodies are positioned in a 3D environment.
A new generation of autonomous robots is helping plant breeders shape the crops of tomorrow.
As governments lay the groundwork for flying robo-taxis, many predict they will be ferrying passengers even before autonomous vehicles.
The development of robots that can handle everyday objects with the subtle touch of a human being is a widely held goal among researchers in the field, who imagine the machines taking on new kinds of tasks across all kinds of industries. Scientists at the Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials are...
Boston Dynamics' popular robot dog Spot is going to work on an offshore oil rig managed by Norwegian oil company Aker BP.
The engineers behind Google’s short-lived Bookbot — a robot created within the company’s Area 120 incubator for experimental products — have launched their own startup to bring the sidewalk delivery bot back to life. The secretive startup called Cartken was formed in fall 2019 after Google shuttered...
Drone tests in Virginia have proven that autonomous drones can avoid ther air traffic, helping industry overcome beyond visual line-of-sight restrictions.
As of February 7 at 13:00 UTC, China’s National Health and Health Commission had received a total of 31,261 confirmed cases of the 2019…
Many guitarists wanting to quickly change the pitch of their instrument without reaching for the tuner will opt for a capo. For those wanting to explore per-string tone changes, 2015's Fretlocks offered a solution. But it wasn't the only way. Tolgahan Çoğulu developed a guitar that allowed the playe...
Next-generation devices made with new “peel and stack” method may include electronic chips worn on the skin.
I remember a few years ago when I wrote this story about using imperceptible whisper audio to hack digital voice assistants like Siri and Alexa I thought this was the craziest, scariest, low-budget cyberpunk […]
A team led by Rutgers University researchers has developed a robot that draws and tests blood more efficiently than a human can.
A robot was dispatched to midtown Manhattan to help detect the coronavirus — only for the plug to be pulled within an hour. The 5-foot-tall droid, which was created by a Pennsylvania-based company
Self-driving startup Nuro is the first company to win an exemption from federal safety requirements. It won't be the last.
I’m not a confident-enough cyclist to ride my bike anywhere other than a quiet park or deserted neighborhood. Busy city streets are definitely out of the question. Each year, some 2,000 bicycle riders […]
Alphabet's Loon is known for its internet balloons, but it worked on an entirely balloon-less project as part of its partnership with Softbank's HAPSMobile. The...
While large 3D-printed objects such as cars or buildings may get a lot of attention, the technology is also used to produce tiny, multi-faceted objects. The latter could soon be whipped up faster and in more detail than ever before, thanks to a new printing system.
Less than 200 miles from the North Pole in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, the German icebreaker Polarstern sits frozen into the ice and shrouded in darkness. Several times a week, a handful of crew members venture forth from the relative safety and warmth of their vessel into a realm of bone-chilli...
Drones might soon deliver a heads-up when natural disasters are about to strike. Researchers have developed a communication system that uses a drone network to...
There is a lot that advanced sensors can tell us by analyzing our sweat, and increasingly we are seeing these devices become more sophisticated and take on more consumer-friendly forms. While still an experimental device under development in the lab, a new health tracker produced by scientists at No...
Cruise's autonomous ride-sharing vehicle and Agility Robotics starting to sell Digit highlight the most popular robotics stories of January 2020.
A drug designed entirely by artificial intelligence is about to enter clinical human trials for the first time. The drug, which is intended to treat obsessive-c...
The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) started with some controversy, but its first images are already changing the field of solar science. The Maui obser...
Researchers use microelectronics to enhance jellyfish swimming