Waiting in a service station waiting room purgatory one day, Victor Darolfi had a simple thought. “I sat at America’s Tires for three hours and thought, hey, we use robots to put tires on at the factory,” the founder explains. “Why don’t we bring robots into the service industry?” The notion was the...
China has spent decades nurturing its tech sector. Now, faced with a massive public health crisis, Beijing is pushing its tech companies to join the fight against the novel coronavirus.
A team of faculty from computer science & engineering, social work and law will investigate fairness in decision-making by artificial intelligence.
Engineers from Johns Hopkins have looked to how snakes move around to inform the design of a nimble new robot. It is hoped that the development could lead to search and rescue bots able to tackle all kinds of obstacles with ease.
SpaceX is one step closer to sending private citizens into outer space. The company signed an agreement with Space Adventures to fly space tourists in the Crew...
DARPA Project Aims To Use Machine Social Intelligence to Improve Teamwork.
Thanks to AI technologies such as image recognition and machine learning, people can now save time, food and money in the kitchen.
Generative music might soon be a central part of what you listen to.
As customer fears about the coronavirus cast a shadow over China’s food delivery industry, several companies including Meituan Dianping, JD.com and Ele.me have announced robot-delivery related services.
Adam Savage tests the ability of Boston Dynamics' Spot robot to pull a rickshaw. After tweaking the software, Spot becomes a successful rickshaw operator.
If the growing proliferation of always on, always listening smart speakers in our homes is making you a little uneasy, researchers from the University of Chicago might have the answer: a wearable bracelet that jams the microphones in speakers, smartwatches, and smartphones alike.
Design combines a common diaper material with RFID technology.
A robot is helping build roads in Central Florida, it's called the TyBot.
Researchers have created a system that predicts each occupant’s ideal temperature range and changes the room temperature to provide better comfort for all.
What can’t you 3D print these days? This still-magical feeling technology lets everyone and their little cousin conjure everything from sneakers to guitars to bridges to fake body parts inside a box. And the processes are […]
In an advance that could grime-proof phone screens, countertops, camera lenses and countless other everyday items, a materials science researcher at the University of Michigan has demonstrated a smooth, durable, clear coating that swiftly sheds water, oils, alcohols, and, yes, peanut butter.
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is once again sounding a warning note regarding the development of artificial intelligence – the executive and founder tweeted on Monday evening that “all org[anizations] developing advance AI should be regulated, including Tesla.” Musk was responding to a new MIT Tech...
Immune systems across the globe have been working overtime this winter as a devastating flu season has taken hold. More than 180,000 Americans have been hospita...
Thanks to the advances with artificial intelligence, robots are becoming more human-like, and digital human beings are supporting our everyday lives in surprising ways. Here we have all you need to know about artificial humans beings and the best examples of robotic humanoids and digital humans.
It is relatively easy for human eyes to perceive and understand transparent objects such as windows, plastic bottles, glass ornaments, etc…
A solar cell combined with a camera sensor collects photons to provide electricity.
Siemens and Comau are jointly offering Sinumerik Run MyRobot /DirectControl, which provides more accutrate control and simplifies robot commissioning.
The Trijicon Ventus looks like a set of binoculars, but in actuality it's the world's first hand-held device capable of providing three-dimensional wind data at multiple points between a shooter and a target up to 500 yards (457 m) away.