Mars, also known as the red planet, has been the focus of numerous research studies, as some of its characteristics have sparked discussions about its possible inhabitability. The National Aeronautics ...
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MissionGO said that it and the Nevada Donor Network have successfully delivered human tissue via drones as a proof of livesaving technology.
When it comes to tracking an athlete's performance, a single wearable sensor doesn't always provide much information, yet multiple hard-wired sensors restrict movement. That's a where a new sensor suit comes in – and it's powered by a smartphone., the world's leading source of robotics technology, today announces a major pivot by enhancing its online activities to include a Marketplace, allowing manufacturers and suppliers of robotics products to sell directly on its e-commerce platform.
Swiss Formula Student team uses AI and sensors on the vehicle to calculate velocity and control sideslip
Makers of Internet-connected gadgets should have to certify that their products can resist cyberattacks
Realtime Robotics has a unique circuit design that, when combined with proprietary software, acts like a plug-in motor cortex for robots.
A feeding robot has been developed in Brazil, playing classical music for pigs.
Researchers at University of Colorado Boulder's ATLAS Institute and University of Calgary have recently developed an actuated, expandable structure that can be used to fabricate shape-changing aerial ...
But will it let you win?
ABB has debuted a robot designed for a wide spectrum of industries for the next-gen of automation.
Prototype technology could help alleviate growing shortage of human crop pickers
A new video created by Swisscom Ventures highlights a research expedition sponsored by Moncler to explore the deepest ice caves in the world using Flyability’s Elios drone.
Chinese company sets out first steps towards extracting space resources
One method of 3D printing involves selectively exposing liquid resin to ultraviolet (UV) light, causing that resin to harden into a solid. Now, scientists have developed a new resin that works with safer, more energy-efficient visible light.
Should crewed exploration of Venus come before we try to go to Mars?
JOYCE, an Internet-connected humanoid robot, is a platform that Immervision hopes developers will use to advance computer vision.
Biosensors that can be worn on the skin promise some exciting possibilities, with the potential to non-invasively monitor everyday health, and even things like glucose or stress levels. Scientists at Binghamton University have made a breakthrough that could make them more comfortable to wear and the...
[3dprintedlife] is apparently a little bored. Instead of whiling away the time playing tic tac toe, he built an impressive tic tac toe robot named TOBOT. The robot uses a Rasberry Pi Zero and a Fea…
We’ve all been there — you see somebody do something cool on YouTube and you just have to give it a go. For [lonesoulsurfer], the drop-everything-and-build happened to be a little four-…
A medical robotic hand could allow doctors to more accurately diagnose and treat people from halfway around the world, but currently available technologies aren't good enough to match the in-person experience.
H-E-B LP has partnered with Switzerland-based Swisslog Logistics Inc. to deploy automated micro-fulfillment centers to streamline its growing curbside and delivery service.
NVIDIA is officially buying the chip design company ARM for $40 billion.