WiBotic has announced a partnership with Astrobotic, Bosch, and the University of Washington to develop and market wireless charging solutions for robots on the Moon as part of a NASA ‘Tipping Point’ project...
Google has taken the wraps off Chimera Painter, a web-based tool that lets anyone generate terrifying cryptozoological entities in an interface that looks like MS Paint by way of Diablo. Why, you ask? Well, isn’t it obvious? No… no, I suppose it isn’t. Surely the strangest thing to hit Google’s AI b...
University of California, Berkeley, researchers found that integrating a neural network into motion control software yields smoother robots.
New research that employs curved origami structures has dramatic implications in the development of robotics going forward, providing tunable flexibility—the ability to adjust stiffness based on function—that ...
A team of researchers demonstrated that popular robotic household vacuum cleaners can be remotely hacked to act as microphones.
A glue-like magnetic spray can turn objects, such as pills, into mini robots that can be controlled by magnets and navigated through the body
A combination of cloud computing, sensors, and an IoT gateway provide valuable intelligence for firefighters before they get to an emergency.
SpaceX has become the first private company to launch astronauts to the International Space Station, marking the culmination of years of work in partnership with NASA on developing human spaceflight capabilities. At 7:27 PM EST (4:27 PM PST), NASA astronauts Shannon Walker, Victor Glover, and Michae...
The IEEE surveyed 2,000 millennials with children and found acceptance of disinfection, surgical, and telehealth robots worldwide.
Fully autonomous teams of robots will hunt for artifacts in DARPA’s virtual cave environment
Lunar exploration startup Astrobotic is working on developing ultra-fast wireless charging technology for its CubeRover shoebox-sized lunar robotic explorers. The project, which is funded by NASA’s Tipping Point program with a $5.8 million award, will tap Seattle-based wireless charging startup WiBo...
Spanish company Quaternium has destroyed its own record for gasoline-electric drone endurance with a 10-hour, 14-minute flight. But how does that stack up against hydrogen and batteries, and what are the implications for the emerging eVTOL market?
Children already spend a lot of time looking at screens, so if they can be taught to draw using a physical pen and paper, so much the better. That's the thinking behind DrawBo, a wall-mounted robot designed to give your kids art lessons.
Mars is about to get a new stream of weather reports, once NASA's Perseverance rover touches down on Feb. 18, 2021. As it scours Jezero Crater for signs of ancient microbial life, Perseverance will collect ...
To perform tasks that involve moving or handling objects, robots should swiftly adapt their grasp and manipulation strategies based on the properties of these objects and the environment surrounding them. ...
Fido, meet F1d0. Newly developed robotic K9s will soon be prowling the Tyndall Air Force Base in Panama City, Florida to enhance security and surveillance patrolling, Florida Insider reported
The new sensors work by measuring breathing and perform similarly to a flow meter
Foster + Partners, a London-based architecture firm, is using Spot to capture and monitor progression at a construction site.
If the smart specs already on the market aren't enough to get you excited, why not make your own? That's exactly what electrical engineer and product designer Sam March has done, with the help of a CNC router and some app coding. The device is a follow-up to the smartwatch he made last year.
Under construction for 138 years and counting, the Sagrada Família is one of the most complex buildings ever conceived. Will robotic tools finally help finish it?
Confront the crushing existentialism of humanity's ultimate purpose Earth with your very own butter-passing robot inspired by Rick and Morty's first season.
Robovie uses lasers to measure social distancing, politely asks shoppers to cover up and guides them around the store
Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos
A new robot with a human face and advanced artificial intelligence is now offering to care for older people, especially..