OpenAI has disbanded its robotics team in what might be a reflection of economic and commercial realities.
The company apologized to customers for the delay
Alt-Bionics made waves back in late 2019 when the brand new startup competed at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Tech Symposium. The company finished second to 3BM’s infrared paint-curing system, but Alt went on to capture national and international headlines on the strength of promisin...
For years, Kansas farmer Clint Brauer has struggled with keeping weeds out of his row crops. Along with keeping living roots in the ground, organic practices and no-till methods, he tried crimping -- but the pigweeds just grew taller.
Not that kind of Single Board Computer
Dutch Queen Maxima has teamed up with a small robot to unveil a steel 3D-printed steel pedestrian bridge over a canal in the heart of Amsterdam’s red light district
The gurney-mounted LUCAS-3 compression robot performs live-saving CPR in the UK, freeing up paramedic hands for other tasks.
The inventor of the first robot in Greece, Konstantinos Soukos, has pushed Greece into a new era by creating laser weapons that target drones.
One of Gecko Robotics' crawling robots performs a pipe inspection. PHOTO SOURCE: Gecko Robotics
Using "soft robotics," engineers at the University of Maryland built a prosthesis powered by water and air.
Robots may have to dig through at least a foot of ice on Jupiter's moon Europa, a new study suggests, as the ice moon is being hit with 'impact gardening.'
SoftBank’s humanoid robot had big career plans, including a job at a bank and dancing with the elderly. Ask about Pepper these days, though, and the conversation gets awkward.
Robotics researchers from NVIDIA and the University of Southern California (USC) announced today the first differentiable simulator for robotic cutting, or DiSECt for short. This new simulator can …
Nerf blasters are fun to play with, and it’s now possible to even get robotic Nerf launchers you can use to chase around your friends. [Engineering After Hours] wasn’t satisfied with th…
Piezoelectric robotic fish swims like the real thing and harvests energy that could power on-board sensors
Evidence shows not the creation of “killer robots,” but rather the networking of drones and other autonomous or unmanned systems.
Scientists at MIT CSAIL have developed an algorithm that would allow robots to efficiently dress people by allowing for non-harmful collisions..
Walker X is your agile, smart companion that aims to one day be an indispensable part of your family.
Using the same marble found in Renaissance masterpieces, a team of robots is accepting commissions. Their owners say tech is essential to Italy’s artistic future.
More than 10 years after a powerful earthquake and tsunami caused a massive nuclear meltdown in the Daiichi Power Plant, Lesley Stahl reports on the unprecedented cleanup effort.
Robots have a hard time improvising, and encountering an unusual surface or obstacle usually means an abrupt stop or hard fall. But researchers at Facebook AI have created a new model for robotic locomotion that adapts in real time to any terrain it encounters, changing its gait on the fly to keep t...
URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WCIA) — Robots were operating on the UIUC south farms on Wednesday as researchers were putting them through their paces. Arun — a second-year graduate student — was develo…
The robots will whirr along a system of underground tunnels, use regular corridors, and even call and ride elevators, to race drugs to patients as fast as possible
It hunts down and scoops up the poop all by itself.