Zezinho, the poser










Playing with movements and poses.













Testing movements and different servo speeds.




This is Zezinho, a humanoid robot that likes to pose! :)

All the microservo supports where made with the amazing material Polymorph.

For now he is being controlled by 8 analog inputs, each input controls one microservo. In the future (as I hope) he will be controlled by a computer vision system where he will try copy real human poses in real time. I'm still programming servo control functions and movements presets.

This is the analog inputs setup and a custom servo shield.
I'm using an Arduino Mega because I need more than 6 analog inputs that the regular Arduino boards have and I don't have the time (or should I say patience) to digg around multiplexers..

I'm very lucky to have the support of InMotion.pt, they sent me the Arduino Mega for the first test drive. Thank you so much Filipe!! ;)

This robot will also be my final project for the course 'O Som do Pensamento'. It will be an instalation where the user will be able to control his poses with physical controllers. I've made a controller box in acrylic and will post photos as soon as I have it with me.



update 03-07-09


Click the image to see zezinho's new home :)


he's a poser

  • Actuators / output devices: 8 micro-ervos
  • CPU: Arduino Mega
  • Power source: 5V
  • Programming language: |Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: potenciometers, faders
  • Target environment: indoor installation

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/zezinho-the-poser

i wonder if it’s possible to make the arms themselves out of polysmurf

I love the idea.Will be

I love the idea.

Will be interesting to see it in motion.

I also like the way you mounted the arms - Alot of polymorph :slight_smile:

hahahah love
hahahah love

I forgot to mention the use

I forgot to mention the use of polymorph :slight_smile:

I am currenty working in the video(s)… :slight_smile:

well, in fact, all the body
well, in fact, all the body can be made out of polymorph :smiley:

wow! cool idea! i cant wait

wow! cool idea!

i cant wait for the video(s)


thnx :slight_smile:
thnx :slight_smile:

videos added :slight_smile:
videos added :slight_smile:

Ohhh your just a jackass to
Ohhh your just a jackass to me!!! You make something that good!! I think i even couldt get a robot to BLINK! you get me to feel soo bad :(!


Strike a pose!

If I were you, I would make 2 and have them fight =)

Quite a bit of polymorph used =P


here is an idea for you:

take any puppet or teddy, cut it up(from back or below, anywhere it wouldn’t be seen)and place your robot inside it!

that would make a great animatronic ehh… whatever it is (thats up to you)

that would also hide the joints and stuff :smiley:

why fight?? :stuck_out_tongue: I could

why fight?? :stuck_out_tongue:

I could make a female and make them love each other :smiley:

hiding joints and wires and

hiding joints and wires and mechanics it is not an issue for now :slight_smile:

I like the way materials look, color, shape and texture.

maybe in the future I will try something :slight_smile:

I have that same mannequin

I have that same mannequin without the "face". Very awesome machine (not a bot yet ;))


I suggest incorporating a MCU with it and making a inverse kinematics software, which is very easily implemented.

What kind of class is "The Sound of Thought"? That is what O Som do Pensamento translates to right?

reverse kinematics software?

I don’t see that as an easy thing… :slight_smile: I mean, coding is not my strongest part…

“The Sound of Thought” is a digital art class given by André Sier.

I don’t see how that is
I don’t see how that is digital art, but alright, I could maybe write a tutorial on inverse kinematics in the future.

That should test your

That should test your polymorph modeling skills :slight_smile:

Love your work guibot - original & expressive, possibly in the future pornographic !

Keep it up !

"The boundaries of art and

"The boundaries of art and science exist only in our minds" Theo Jansen

would love to see a tutorial on inverse kinematics

porno-bots?? lolnever

porno-bots?? lol

never thought of that :smiley:

Thank you GroG