Young people only

this blog is only for people who are about fifteen and under of course, if you are older than the restrictions you may help us with any

questions we may have as this is for newbs who dont know where to begin 

i’m 16 :slight_smile: , i’m pretty much

i’m 16 :slight_smile: , i’m pretty much a noob too

ok I think I will let

ok I think I will let you blog. :wink: how bout this blog only for noobs i’m only twelve but I think i’m lesving the super noob stage into the not so noobish stage getting smarter and smarter every day! 

I am also twelve

I am also twelve

wow I cant beleive that

wow I cant beleive that there is realy this many people my age that are interested in robotics. do you know any body from medina Ohio that likes robots 2?  just need a friend!



16-year old, but I have a robot and a 3d printer under my belt. If I can be of any assistance, let me know.

will do

will do