Xtreme Terrain Rover-1 PS2 Controller+nRF module RC Robot

UPDATED:This is an All terrain Robot I made for the ROBOWARS @ IIT India.
 Came out to be a Winner! so I thought of posting it here.




Its powered by 4x 200rpm DC geared motors- 18Nm cm Torque 12v

Custom Made Tracked Wheel Chain System.




Speed controller is a Custom Made MOSFET based with Optocouplers.


Uses 12v 5Ah VRLA Battery from my Motorcycle HONDA CBF125.

Added a Tiny Precision Voltmeter on top of it to monitor Voltage Continously.


RC Controller:

Controller is a PS2 Dualshock wired Controller which is interfaced with an Atmega 328p Microcontroller and attached to an nRF24lo1+PA+LNA module.

All fitted inside a Playstation 2 Multitap Adaptor Box - I call it the Black Box.

it is powered by Samsung Li-ion cell 2600mah.

PS2 remote

Both wired and Wireless Analog Controllers can be attached to the Black Box.

Wireless 2.4GHz Range is upto 1200m (1.2KM).



Also there is a Lifter attached to its front powered by 2 DC Geared motors 10Kgcm torque

controlled by transistor H-Bridge.

Lifter 1

It is controlled using PS2 controllers L1/R1 and L2/R2 buttons.

lifter 2

Its supported on 2 Aluminium Rods.

And it goes all the Way up 90 degrees.

lifter up

Let there be Lights!!

Ahh the Lights! yes, it has Front headlights (that can also be switched wirelessly :-)


lights 2

The Back:


I'll be updating rest of details soon and will also be uploading a video in a few days.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/xtreme-terrain-rover-1-ps2-controller-nrf-module-rc-robot

Great robot…!!!

Nice design well done how much did it cost to make this beast where was the competition IIT Delhi or IIT Mumbai?

thanks…:-)I spent 10,000


I spent 10,000 INR approx i.e. $200 ,the Robowar was in IIT Mandi.


What receiver did you use for the PS2 wireless controller?