Xan's Rover with Arm

Hi Alan and Xan,

While developing our property, we did purchase a TLB(Tractor, Loader, Backhoe), which turned out to be very useful. So I thought it would be fun to add this type of control input, so I can practice. :slight_smile:

Xan, yes you did split out the PS2 init code earlier. I may put a little testing for this back in as there have been times when for some reason the PS2 drops out of analog mode…

I thought it would be good to have the main PS2 function input function, maybe process the deadband for the joysticks as the code was more or less replicated in both the Rover and Arm code. The X,Y coordinates is no big deal I just need to make it consistent (at least in my mind). I just always think of Y when you talk about Up/Down and likewise X for Left to Right… But will probably not change it now…

Thanks for the 3D version. Yes, having the end point be in the center of the gripper is exactly where you want it, when you are controlling it to do things like grab an object. I will try to play with this later today. Thanks again.


I have not made as much progress on this as I would like. I think I do have the backhoe type controls working now and that is sort-of fun to play with. Dosn’t move as much material as the real thing :wink:

Xan, I started to convert the 3D code you sent, but have not completed it yet. At some point I need to sit down and figure out which coordinate system all of the different pieces of code are written for. What is X, Y and Z. I am not sure if it is consistent through all of the different versions (or maybe it is just my confusion). Also I get distracted very easily, espeically if the sun is out and it is a nice day.

I think my next distraction will be to work on the Brat Hardware/Software. I think my new brat arrives today :smiley: Should be fun to build and then make it walk and chew gum at the same time.

Also I keep getting tempted to work on the DIY transmitter stuff. I know that Robot Dude has hinted that Hitec is coming out with a new transmitter, but I wonder if their receiver will be like most of the ones that we have used so far, that require a lot of work to read in the pulses as well as many IO pins. It would be great if they would make a version that was tailered for robots and maybe had some ways to get the different channels such as I2C or SPI or … But in the mean time I was tempted to see if I have a pair of XBee modules that I could interface with the DIY remote and one of the robots, I was thinking Rover but could be HEX or Mech Brat.



I haven’t been following the DIY remote. I probably should. I’d like to be able to use Bluetooth as my main communication channel, and route PS2 controls through a PC (notebook) and out via the Bluetooth. This way, one could get telemetry back from the 'bot, and possibly make the 'bot run in a dual mode, autonomous but with an occasional instruction or two.

Where is the DIY stuff?

Alan KM6VV


Hi Kurt,

Happy to hear you made some progress on the Rover. I know the feeling about having more plans and ideas then time. My DIY project still is waiting for me to have some free time. It’s working great but I need to do some more changes to get the rotation-button to work better. And test the code you made together with it. Anyway, this is getting off topic :wink:

The XYZ coordinates on every program I’ve build are the same as far as I know. They are different from the “normalâ€

Hi Jeroen,

Where did you get your coordinates from? (I’ve asked this question before) One of the original Powerpod generated programs? It’s unusual, at least to the Aviation, Maritime, CAD/CAM and Engineering stuff I see here in the U.S. I’m wondering if it somehow came from a presentation type program like Visio? Just curious, whatever you use, it works!

Alan KM6VV