Hi all,
Thanks for the comments! I really appreciate it!
What’s new in version 1.2
Improved gait engine:
A universal gait engine which makes is possible to simply add new gait types by setting properties. I’ll explain the settings with a 6 steps ripple gait for example.
StepsInGait = 6 Total number of steps in the gait
NrLiftedPos = 1 Number of positions in the air (blue position)
TLDivFactor = 4 Number of movements on the ground (red arrows)
NomGaitSpeed = 150 Nominal speed of a single step
LRGaitLegNr = 1
RFGaitLegNr = 2
LMGaitLegNr = 3
RRGaitLegNr = 4
LFGaitLegNr = 5
RMGaitLegNr = 6 Defining sequence of the legs.
Example 2: 12 steps tripod
StepsInGait = 12 Total number of steps in the gait
NrLiftedPos = 3 Number of positions in the air (blue position)
HalfLiftHeigth = TRUE True places the outer upper positions (2 and 12) to half the height of the middle position (1). False places the outer upper positions on the same height as the middle position.
TLDivFactor = 8 Number of movements on the ground (red arrows)
NomGaitSpeed = 100 Nominal speed of a single step
LRGaitLegNr = 1
RFGaitLegNr = 3
LMGaitLegNr = 5
RRGaitLegNr = 7
LFGaitLegNr = 9
RMGaitLegNr = 11 Defining sequence of the legs.
Example 3: 6 steps Tripod
StepsInGait = 6 Total number of steps in the gait
NrLiftedPos = 2 Number of positions in the air (blue position)
HalfLiftHeigth = FALSE
TLDivFactor = 4 Number of movements on the ground (red arrows)
NomGaitSpeed = 150 Nominal speed of a single step
LRGaitLegNr = 4
RFGaitLegNr = 1
LMGaitLegNr = 1
RRGaitLegNr = 1
LFGaitLegNr = 4
RMGaitLegNr = 4 Defining sequence of the legs.
Improved gait speed:
The analog sticks not only controls the step length but also the speed of the gait.
5 different gaits: Thanks to Zenta
Gaits included are:
- 6 steps ripple
- 12 steps ripple
- 9 steps quadripple
- 4 steps tripod
- 6 steps tripod
Improved body rotations: Thanks to Zenta
The improved body calculations that Zenta posted before are implemented
Internal timer to improve SSC communication:
A internal timer measures the calculation time of each step. This makes it possible to get a perfect timing between the BB2 and the SSC. This makes the gaits very stable.
Turn on/off the bot with the remote:
Press the start button on the PS2 remote to turn on and off the bot.
Servo offsets moved to SSC V2 registers:
The offsets of the servos are moved to the SSC V2 register. This way there is no need to change the offsets in case of a new version.
Optional compiling for the SSC setup:
The code uses a constant called “SSC_LM_SETUPâ€