Xan's Phoenix Code

Xan, that video had me so intrigued the time flew by. Its amazing the quality and performance of your code. The thing I love about it, is that everything is processed on board and not from an external pc. There is nothing wrong with using a remote pc to take advantage of the extra power to experiment with other advanced robotic topics such as vision as an example, but it’s cool to see a bot run on its own brain. :laughing:

Again great work!

The V2 code will be available in the new tutorial, in the assembly guides section. It will be ready later today. Give us a little more time. :wink:


I just watched your video and all I can say is WOW!!!

I’m working on both the X-Rover and X-BRAT so I have not had much time to mess with Hexapods…but your work certainly has me rivited! Thanks for sharing.


Great work Xan!

I especially like the single leg moves. If we could move a pair of legs, we could pick up objects…

Looking forward to the new code release!

Alan KM6VV

The new version of the Phoenix tutorial is now available with Xan’s code:

Let me know if you find any errors - I may’ve overlooked something in the rush to get it done.

Thanks for the speedy work Beth!

Thanks for sharing Jeroen! You are awesome. 8)

That WAS fast!

Thanks Beth!

And again, thanks Jeroen!

Will the new Studio IDE co-exist with the previous BasicAtom IDE and compiler(s)? I’m not ready to move some projects I have in BasicAtom ( over to the new Studio version, so I want to keep my old IDE.

Alan KM6VV

I can’t answer the coexist question, but I can comment on Studio. It’s the cleanest IDE out there. It may have a few minor user interface issues, but as for the code it compiles it’s the best. They are not making updates for any of the other IDE’s so it’d be a good idea to move to it. While the term bug free compiler may be an oxymoron Studio has the most bug free version of the compiler.

Thanks for the comments!

It’s more of a fall-back plan, I’ve been through enough “compiler updates” to know that it can get really tricky for existing projects (commercial). We were poised to switch from Borland C++ 4.5 to 5.x for one set of integrated products on an embedded platform, and simply couldn’t. I don’t recall all the reasons, but they stayed with 4.5. But that was a big project, C++ (which can get nasty), and deadlines.

My desire (goal) would be to compile code for BasicAtom, BasicAtomPro, and MBasic by use of compile switches.

Alan KM6VV

Thanks Beth!

I like that you have different downloads for the different configurations :slight_smile:

FYI - I do have a alpha version of the DIY tramitter with XBEE code, which I will be refining soon. Let me know if anyone would like to play with it.

Currently I am in the process or reworking my timer based serout function to hopefully make it work reliable and in addition make it buffer up the output bytes, such that the processor can be using the other cycles for doing other things like buffering up more data… Will then try seeing how well SSC-32 works at full speed…

But someone made a mistake and sent me my new care package of parts that I ordered, so I am taking a detour and building the track! :laughing:


Uh, written so it ports easily to a Pic32 would be pretty cool… :unamused:

James installed the V2 code on one of our in-house Phoenix hexapods. It’s awesome! They had the guy high five’n people with the single leg control mode. lol :smiley:

Jeroen, We really need to figure out an easy way to get your eeprom sequences into the other builders SSC-32s. Because we are using SSC-32 registers to hold the servo offsets, shouldn’t the canned sequences be universal to other similarly configured Phoenix hexapods?

Hi Xan,

Great code! very smooth movements.
It’s a bit different to controll but i will get used to that fast i think.

My Question: Can you upload the code for the different gp modules,like trying to fly and the other ones out of your movie?
(Maybe someone can write a tutorial on how to programm this GP-sequencer? Just reading the manual, doesn’t seem to get me anywhere…)

By the way how can i hold the position of the leg while moving another? when i let go of the left throttle, the leg moves back.
Can i make it stay there?

Hi All,

Thanks for all the positive reactions! I really appreciate all the feedback from you guys!
And a special thanks to Beth, for updating the tutorial and publishing the code so quickly!

Just to know; The 645 was still in the box

The sequences where made with your PEP, Zenta. Without it I would never had such fluent sequences! :slight_smile:

I had to remove the Basic Atom Pro ( software to install the new studio. The time I did that there still where some minor issues so I decided to switch back for the time. I will update to the Studio soon. But to get back to your question; I don’t think you can have both BasicAtom and Studio on one system at the time. It didn’t work for the Pro.
Note: Phoenix 2.0 will both work on and the Studio.

Good to hear you had some fun time! I hope you took one home this weekend :wink:

Since we are using the offsets in the SSC registers the sequences can be switched between different hexapods as long as they are configured the same way. I will check what the easiest way is to share those pre made sequences. I’ll get back on this…

Zenta did some awesome work with his PEP. The PEP can be used to make sequences and directly control the hex while building the sequences. The sequences can also be exported to GP player format. I used the PEP to make the sequences. Check out this topic for more information. Zenta also wrote a step by step manual that can be found on his project page.

The controls can be found in the header of the ‘Phoenix_control’ file. Here is a snipped:

; [Single leg Controls] ; - select Switch legs ; - Left Stick Move Leg X/Z (relative) ; - Right Stick Move Leg Y (absolute) ; - R2 Hold/release leg position

Again, thanks for all the positive reactions!

Beth, can you make this happen? Thanks!



I’d love to see some day version 2.0 integrated with some autonomous code. The fluid life like movements reacting to sensor input would be very interesting.

I’m totally in for that!

Who knows maybe we can build a 6 legged “Aibo” one day. Just imagine the possibilities what it can do with 2 extra legs 8)
It would be fun to upgrade the brain to something powerful to run Linux or windows. Build separate modules like text to speech, speech recognition, vision and off course AI.


Your Phonenix code reminds me of the Honda Asimo. Honda first perfected the bipedal walking gait and is now working on various forms of A.I. The two systems working together will make the observer think it is all one intelligent system, when in fact it is a series of sub systems working together.

i have been working on this with the former code. I will convert all the code aoon and will post it when ready. Maybe a nice project to work on all together?

Will do today!