Why do we make?

Why do hobbiests make things?  Or more pertinent to LMR - why do hobbiests make robots?

I ask because when I see an interesting project posted, I also see a lot of requests for detailed designs, schematics and code in the comments.  Then there are numerous postings where folks want/need constant hand-holding throughout the design & build process.  If you can't (or haven't) made an LED blink, what do you need with the code for satellite navigation?  If your interest is professional or to finish a school project, then I suggest that blindly following others isn't a good path for advancement.  If you're not interested in the process, why are you interested in the product? 

Are you building a device so that you can have a cool something that no one else on the block has?  So that you can post an unusual video and get lots of hits?  So that instead of spending $30 on a cheap R/C car you can spend $200 and still not know what happens between the joystick and the wheels?

Some of the most capable LMR members are working on Big Things - things that are important for their careers or education.  But I think most folks here like to make things because the process is fun.  The goal isn't to have a little assembly of plastic and wires that scoots around the room without hitting the walls.  The goal is to learn something new, to create a Thing that didn't use to exist and to provide an outlet for our creativity.

And now, having written this post without the advantage of tenure on this fine site, I say to you... Have Fun.  I have some LEDs I need to make blink.

Because we have "The Knack"

The explanation is here: The Knack. I think it’s a terminal condition, at least for the things we get interested in and hack up to build better things. For me, it’s a creative outlet. It’s exciting to build things from scratch. Not to mention the fact that I always learn a whole lot more than I knew when I started. The knowledge will come in handy during the robot apocalypse. :wink: