Who says Track and SES can't mix?

Yeah yeah yeah… so it doesn’t have idlers… shoot me :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you build that just for fun?

It looks like you got a couple sides left on that center piece to add idlers. So I’d say that is pretty cool.

Um, yeah, pretty much :stuck_out_tongue:

Occasionally, I will by one off’s from Jim’s store just to experiment with new ideas. This was a result of one of those experiments. I don’t actually have enough pieces to form the second half, so that is as far as it got.

A very important aspect of that photo: The idling wheels are being supported by long, large “C” brackets. This should prove to be an easy way to build tensioners and other track-pod components. Good information to have on reserve…

cool! did you get all of the parts from lynx? :smiley:

Hmm. . . this has possibilities!

How tall and wide is it?

Nobody would (or should) shoot one so talented! :slight_smile:

Wonderful work on this! It’s the sort of thing I have proposed for my tri-wheel, except mine would have three driven wheels rather than tracks and the entire assembly would also be able to rotate. I just haven’t figured out exactly how to do the wiring through a rotating hub without using a part I can’t remember the name of right now.
