Who are YOUR favorite Sci-Fi Robots?

I like Huey, Dewey and Louie

I like Huey, Dewey and Louie from the cult scifi movie ‘Silent running’, 1972.

**I have to get this DVD. **

I have to get this DVD.  Haven’t seen it yet, but I heard that this movie is awesome…a classic.

My two favorites!


**Dont know if this counts **

My favourite robot is IRON MAN I dont know if it counts cause its like a high tech prosthetic.


Robby rocks! …And so

Robby rocks!   …And so do the blondes in that film   :slight_smile:


That’s hilarious! I

That’s hilarious!   I totally forgot about that…

**He definitely counts! **

He definitely counts!    I would classify a powered exoskeleton as a robot for sure.  This is another film I have yet to see, I heard it was super cool!

You guys have great taste in robots :slight_smile:

But Max and Vincent were some of my original “Golly, I want a antigrav robot” inspirations.


Still working on the homemade antigrav unit...

Oh yeah man! Black Hole

Oh yeah man!  Black Hole was awesome.  About a month or so ago I was browsing around the web and found that there was a toy company called MindStyle that made a scale replica of “Vincent” for the San Diego Comic Convention 2009.  It was a limited edition of 300 that I am sure sold out in minutes…I’ll have to keep checking eBay!    :slight_smile:

Mindstyle “Vincent” scale replica



Those guys are great!!

Those guys are great!!


It’s kind of sad really, the R2-D2 cost $100 and Wall-E cost almost $400, R2-D2 works way better then Wall-E. If I wasn’t afraid of messing it up, I would hack Wall-E and make him better.

If he is, this guy defently

If he is, this guy defently counts:

Great film, one of my

Great film, one of my favorite Sci-Fi flicks!  It’s funny, if you look closely at the picture that hardmouse posted the other day you can see Huey and Dewey looking down at the the “leg” of Louie.   :frowning:




i also came accross this upcoming set of limited edition replica drones for collectors from Sixteen 12 Collectibles...  totally awesome!



Can wall-e counted in this one ?

If so I choose wall-e ,it may be a cartoon but he rocks.

Yes he can definitely be

Yes he can definitely be counted, for sure!

One of my all time favorites

  I would have to vote for Marvin the paranoid android from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. I refer to the book and not the radio show, tv show, two very bad movies, and a horrible computer game.

I loved the books, and I

I loved the books, and I even liked the BBC TV series. I must also confess to playing the text-based video game.

The movie (I thought there was only one), was a pretty big disappointment.


I too played the game and like alot of the text based games from back in the day it agrevated me to no end.There was another movie that was based off the book back in the 80’s. I can’t remember the name of it but it was a major flop and is almost impossible to find. Kind of like Kiss meets the Phantom in the Park. It just got buried and nobody wants it bad enough to dig it out. I do have to say Gnome that thanks to allot of your projects I have come a long way in programming. I didn’t realize you were from Jersey. I grew up about 1/2 hour from were your at.



i remember having a toy of

i remember having a toy of the smashed one i found on the streets.
i really liked it even though i didn’t see the movie or even knew what it was from
until decades later.

these little guys have allot of personality.



Has everyone forgotten about this alcohol fueled robot?