Where have the GHM-13s gone!?

I noticed a while ago that the GHM-13s were out of stock. Then I noticed they’d slipped off the spur gearhead motors page.

Now I’ve noticed that they seem to have permanently gone.


Does anyone have any news regarding these little beauties? If they have gone permanently, can somebody recommend a good replacement for them? Obviously it’d need to be as powerful/more powerful than the GHM-13s…

Since I’m from the UK, the Imperial system of measurement used in this American site really confuses me, so I’d appreciate some help trying to sort out what values I should look for in a motor…

Thanks in advance,


Hi! I know, I saw this too, but I saw also that some of the ditrubitors still have them, like robot shop (www.robotshop.ca) has them.

I would recommend something like this, it’s way more power than the GM-13. I was thinking about buying the GM-13, but I think I will buy these in place, or the ones at 40$ and even more powerfull

lynxmotion.com/Product.aspx? … egoryID=71



Those are more expensive though… :frowning:

Sighs I want my GHM-13s back! :wink:
