Where do I download the BotBoarduino IDE software from?


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

I need to program the functions for my rover with 6DOF robotic arm. My rover uses the BotBoarduino control board and I need the Arduino IDE software and the PS2 library in order for it to work.

Where do I download this IDE from?

At this point I can’t do anything until I have set up the control board .

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Hello @markque07 !

Welcome to the forum! You can use the Arduino IDE to program the board. You select the Arduino Duemilovanove with Atmega328 as the board type. You can check this, this2 thread for general knowledge.

Some extra resources are:

Hope this could help you :grin:

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No, it didn’t.

I need to DOWNLOAD the Arduino IDE suite in order to program the BotBoarduino, and I don’t know where the download page is located.

Mark McCumber

Hi @markque07,

If you want to download Arduino IDE, you should go here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/software