What type of projects are you using your BeagleBone black for?

My daughter and I have started building a robot with our BeagleBone black.  You can see our robot here https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/my-first-working-robot. I was wondering what others were using their BeagleBone black for to give me ideas for other projects we could also work on.

Why do people seem to frown on the BeagleBone?

I have never used other boards like the Arduino so I have nothing to compare it too but the BeagleBone seems to be a very powerful and easy to use board.  It is easy enough for my eight year old daughter to pick up and help with the robot that we built.  So my question is, why do people here on LMR seem to frown on the BeagleBone?  What makes other boards more popular? 

I’ll be using one for a robot (Zeppo)…

I’m rebuilding a used kit robot I bought (a DFRobot HCR). I think the mechanics are good but I’m tossing most of the electronics and replacing them with a BBB.

The BeagleBone Black has two PRUs (I think that stands for Programmable Realtime Unit) that I’ve never used yet. They sound like built in micro controllers that are mostly outside the Linux environment so they can respond in a predictable way.

I also have a Teensy 3.1 which is small and compact and packs quite a punch. I might let that handle the interfacing with the hardware instead because unlike the BBB, the Teensy is 5 volt friendly. That way I can let the BBB handle the fun stuff (talking and speech input and general motivation and sensor interpretation, while the Teeny handles the implementation of the basic low-level robot stuff, under the direction of the BBB.

I’ve even heard of people putting ROS on a BBB.