What is the default state of the Vin Connect on the Arduino Motor Shield?


I’m trying to separate the motor power supply from the Adruino UNO chip so they each have dedicated power supplies. On Arduino’s website, it says to disconnect “Vin Connect” for dedicated power. Looking at the motor shield, it appears disconnected(not soldered together), but the Uno still runs without its own power supply?

I’ve attached a picture of mine for review.



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Great. Thanks a lot. I thought that might be the case, but it’s so small. I guess I need a stronger magnifier. Couldn’t find this answer any where on the inter webs. Hopefully others will find this. Thanks again.


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Thank you so much for this answer. It just saved me again about 4 years after you posted it. This information is really not clearly stated anywhere else

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Hi Jason,

The VIN connect is in fact still connected: you need to use a knife to score the trace wire between the two pads. You need to apply moderate pressure so that the scratch cuts the trace wire properly. The pads are there in case you want to re-connect the connection using solder and a piece of wire.

Hope this helps,

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Glad I could help! :smiley: