Website controlled robot

It's been a long time since I put up a new project, and I felt that I should from today onwards post all projects which I make since I've actually some other projects but just felt lazy to post it here, like these 2 and but to the topic, I have actually got this working and everything so how this works is that on my website there are 3 files 2 of them are the html and php code and the third is a .txt file so, the php code writes which button was pressed to .txt file and a processing sketch reads the strings in the file and sends some serial commands over serial bluetooth. I'm going to post the full robot once I get new motors since one of my BO motors broke and now I just have one gear motor. And if anyone wants I could make a walkthrough on how to do this.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Few ideas

Sounds fun.

Why don’t you host website on localhost and then php can send directly serial commands to robot, eliminating need for .txt file and proccessing? Take a look here:

Also, why don’t you put up a live stream of bot in action, so that person in control of it can see what is happening?


Well I tried using php

Well I tried using php serial first but it wouldn’t work at all the problem was that the arduino would keep restarting and why localhost that would only run on my house’s wifi network.

About the livestream I tried embedding multiple live stream services directly onto my website but there was like a 15-20 second lag and the best one had like a 5 second lag.

Thank you for the Ideas

Well, for php serial to

Well, for php serial to work, your webserver has to be local.

I guess you could significally lower lag by not using any 3rd party service for streaming, but instead doing it yourself (red5 or something like that). That is true if number of viewers is not high.

Just keep improving it and robot could be great :slight_smile:

The webserver was local but

The webserver was local but it wasn’t working 

You probably need to port

You probably need to port forward port 80 on your router.

No I did everything but it

No I  did everything but it would restart the arduino when ever somehing was sent through serial port