Wally - well that's what everyone calls him

This is my first robot in a few years, I took some time off. So far everyone has said he looks like “WALL-E” So I just named him Wally. I’m still working on programming, but so far he can wander about the living room using the PING sensor looking left, right, and center to avoid collisions with furniture and people. Kind of the “Lewis and Clark” behavior described in the “Mobile Robots” book. As for the Tech Stuff; Wally has a BasicX-24 Microcontroller, My own Design Carrier Board, 2 Futaba S3003 Servos hacked as drive motors, 2 3/4" Lite flight Wheels, a Hi-Tec HS 55 servo to pan his “Head”, a 5V switcher power supply for the logic and sensor, and a Parallax “Ping)))” ultrasonic sensor. He has 6 ‘AA’ batteriwes and is currently at a hair over 14 oz. Overall I’m pretty pleased with my return to Hobby robotics.

Just a moble amusement and programming learning platform

  • Actuators / output devices: Hobby Servos
  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • CPU: Netmedia BX24
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 6 ‘AA’ Batteries
  • Programming language: BasicX
  • Sensors / input devices: Parallax Ultrasonic Sensor With Servo Panning
  • Target environment: Indoors is best

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/wally-well-thats-what-everyone-calls-him

Those Wheels

I’m looking for a set like them, where did you get yours?

Overall, this is similar to My Mark 2.5, and therefore totally awesome!

**Very nice build. **
I love the Ping mounting "bracket".

Nice and clean desigh! Video?
Nice and clean desigh! Video?

Thanks! Video soon!
He’s on the bench right now getting his bumper switches wired in, but I will be doing some a short video when I get him back up and running. Thanks a bunch for the comment, I have been trying to keep him compact and to keep things neat as it makes future modifications a lot easier!!

The Wheels?
They are Dave Brown Lite Flite treaded wheels in 2 3/4" size. To mount them to the servos I just drilled the Hub plastic (Just deep enough to fit the shaft, not all the way through!) so that its a friction fit on the servo shaft and then use the servo screw through the hub half to hold it together, Not a high torque application so it works out pretty well!

** oops**
oops! Still learning the editor on this site…

I liked that design too!

I can’t lay any claims to the “Bracket”, I copied it pretty much directly from “Makey the robot” in the currrent issue of “Make” magazine. I used slightly different hardware than they used, but it does work out quite nicely. Thanks for the kind words!



Verry niicce!

Verry niicce!

Interesting solution…