I am hoping I can use HSERIAL with WALTER’s new Bluetooth link (arrives tomorrow!) to send debugging information back to me while he is rolling around on the floor. Now I am told that HSERIAL may not be working right, so will have to check it out completely.
I don’t want to use software serial for this because WALTER needs as many processing cycles as he can get just to run the current subsumption engine.
I’m confused as to what is broke and what has been fixed. We need a LOG listing bux fixes and open issues. HSERIAL needs to be fixed. Dale I hope you can confirm this issue with the bluetooth device you are getting.
Actually, if you notice, it’s completely possible to attach legs to WALTER with the new decks in place. All I have to do is use 1 7/8" standoffs between the two main decks.
I have SES holes around each of the standoff holes, instead of having the normal 0.315" diameter hole in the center. I’ve already verified that an SES bracket 0.315" diameter hole will fit around each of the standoffs. I’ve solved the deck expansion issue by using two sets of standoff holes instead of one. Alternating between the sets of standoff holes allows easy deck expansion.
I have designed these new decks for many different expansion options. The new decks are being made for me by Alan (KM6VV) now. I have shipped him the four sheets of deck material I have and have sent him 2D CAD drawings of the decks.
Yes, with that deck orientation it is symetrical. However, rotate that drawing one point to the right, which is the way it is meant to be mounted on the robot, and it is not symetrical at all.
I have he decks mounted correctly in the 3D model, where you can see the lack of symetry of the holes.
I probably need to print it out, but the “top” deck plates look symmetrical to me if viewed across corners, any diagonal pair of corners. Across flats is another story. Is that what you mean?
I am surprised to see what looks like the spacers using servo horn pattern holes! Why not just give 'em their own holes? Maybe the holes I had to add would be useful?
This is intentional, and allows brackets to be attached at those locations without interferring with the standoffs. The large hole of the SES bracket goes around the standoff hole.
Because it would require more holes to accomplish the same thing. Also, I would lose the ability to attach brackets where the standoffs need to be.
Edit: Removed confusing info about the main deck not being symentric. It is fine.