I have created a public Git repository on GitHub for all of my Walter 2.0 software development. I already have my current Arduino code in there. Those who are interested can follow my development, as well as make comments and suggestions for improvements.
I’m in the process of splitting the sound detection code out of the navigation sketch into a separate sound detection sketch. I already have three GP2D12 analog IR sensors attached to my BotBoarduino for navigation, and the four channel sound detection code requires four more analog inputs.
I will be getting another BotBoarduino, as well as an Arduino Mega 2560 ADK with a shield that has three pin headers and XBee sockets.
All of the Arduino boards will be I2C slaves and will be controlled by one (at a time) of my small Linux computers (Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black, PandaBoard ES). Well, this is my goal anyway, so we’ll see what happens as things move along.
The basic mechanical and hardware build for Walter 2.0 is done, except for replacing the front PING sensor and SaberTooth 2x5 motor controller with a RoboClaw. That will be completed as soon as I get the new parts. After that, it will be mostly all software development.
I’m also in the process of building a small SES chassis for a balancing robot. I’ll use this to learn about using my IMU board, with the three axis accelerometer and three axis gyro. Everything I learn with this will be incorporated into Walter 2.0 at some point. I also have the RGB color and heat sensors.