Voice Controlled Mobile Base [Final Year Project]


The purpose of the project is to design a robot that can be controlled by human voice. The first video shows the test of the robot. The second video shows how the Voice Controlled Mobile Base was made, how the system was analysed, designed, implemented and tested for all the important blocks of the block diagram.


Video 1: TESTs

Video 2: How did I make the robot?

EasyVR shield £31.05 [The voice/speech recognition is excellent because I tested at a distance of 6 meters and it did still recognise my words.]
Arduino Uno £10.80
Motor driver L293D £0.99
DC Motor (with gears) £4.74
Chassis, Screws and nuts (from university)
Total: £47.58

This is the second robot I made if you think I done a good job, can you like my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Engineering-Projects-Londoners/709796659101531?ref=hl it will make me motivated to post more posts. Also, any comment to improve the project like use encoders to make the robot go straight.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/voice-controlled-mobile-base-final-year-project