Using an SRF05 on a Basic Stamp 2?

I'm using the Parallax Board of Education for my next robot project. To save some money, I thought I would recycle some Start Here parts, and other odds and ends that I have. I also notice that there seems to be little instance of plugging in a SRF05 with a BS2...Always a picaxe.

My question is, can you use an SRF05 Ultrasonic sensor with the BS2? And the sharpe infra-red sensor?

Oh, and I also wanted to recycle a robosapien v2. I'm guessing there are DC motors in the joints. Can you run a dc motor without a motor driver?

Thanks in advance.

Google is your friend. Get

Google is your friend. Get to know him!

Specs for the SRF05 and even an BS example.

Ah. I googled this first,

Ah. I googled this first, but couldn’t find this specifically. Thank you.