Using a serial port VS usb for a picaxe28x1

I just purchase a picaxe 28x1 strater kit with a serial instead of a usb. my lap top has a serial port on it , Is one of those Ibm thinkpad,:slight_smile: I was just wondering is there any different setting with a serial rather than usb??? will i encounter any problem using a serial???

nope no problems! the serial
nope no problems! the serial one is fine! (maybe just i slight difference in speed…but that has not been proven)

thanks for the fast replied
thanks for the fast replied . cuase the serial is way cheaper and it made since to me to purchase that one instead of the usb…maybe along the way i’ll also get the usb to be on the safe side

you know…serial is kind of
you know…serial is kind of obsolete, new computers don’t have those (especially laptops). i guess that’s the only difference (which also affects the price)


Aw, man. Don’t say that! We love serial! Don’t commit it to the bin just yet.

In my industry, it’s still something of a standard. Here’s an example: I have a test rig in my office which was built nearly 25 years ago to test a device which only went into production last year!! They want me to build a duplicate rig. (Where AM I going to find a DOS 6 licence?)

Serial will be around for a while yet, although it may become a specialist toy.

alot of microcontoller now
alot of microcontoller now carry serial like the bs2. So i figure that serial is the way to go that’s why i bought the picaxe kit with the serial and going to buy the usb later.

i’m not saying it can’t be
i’m not saying it can’t be found i’m just saying that modern pcs often do not have those :slight_smile: i still have a serial cable (but with the usb adaptor)